Had a heap of fun just spinning along with other tandem teams. Of course no team is quite as quick as Team Keast.... but they're doin' ok! Here are 3 teams on the Reisling trail at Clare.

This stuff is a big feature round here. Doesn't matter where you look or where you pedal.... there'll be another winery!!

Fay and I wore our North West Tandem Rally bike shirts from Corvallis, 2006. That was a heap of fun over in Washington state.

Today we wore our North West Tandem Rally shirts from "Rollin' On The River" at Spokane in 1998. That was great fun too, thanks Michael and Eileen and others.
Here Margaret D and Bronwyn L and others have done a top job (once again) of organising our annual rally here in Oz. Thanks guys.
Labels: Bike Friday, Clare, cycling, tandem
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