John O'Brien was the mastermind behind the Aust Veterans Cycling Club Championships held near Dubbo in late Sept. They were extremely well organised. Congrats John and team.

Here's Stuart leading a group on the road race for his age group. Dubbo riders did very well.

Jo and her man Stuart got married on Friday 3 October out at the zoo. Our tandem, Sundae (Banana Split) was asked to attend for photos. They all looked pretty sharp. Jo looked great and even rode the tandem! Yes, in that gear!

It was great to have the world's greatest dentist (Phil) and his lovely wife Pam come to visit. We went to Gil to see Manly defeat Storm and then attended some live theatre.... Bethany Simons in
the weather and your health. What a great show. Well done Beth. You are magic! But then I knew that beforehand. Phil and Pam really enjoyed the show. Phil and I managed to get some tennis in despite the rain over the weekend. They're now off to Nelson Bay. We're due to head to Wagga, then Sydney, then Nelson Bay. Back in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the loan of your computer Dicko.
Labels: Bike for Bibles, Crockers, cycling, wedding
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