Here is the team charging along from Grenfell to Temora (107 km). We started at 5 degrees the riders told me. John and Paul in the lead. John always takes the lead when there's a camera around, and Paul wants to impress Heather in Europe! Paul said he likes the short days! They took 4:30 on the road today.

Our food roadies do a great job and are really appreciated... especially at meal time! Note the camp fire in the foreground.

Now Trent, Sylvia, Lyn and Fay can relax before the swarm of cyclists arrive to devour the tucker!

This is Trungley Provisional School. It operated between 1954 and 1959. Sure doesn't look like there's been many kids round for awhile... or does it?

This shearing shed had seen better days. A good photographer could spend quite a bit of time around this one.

We're staying at the Anglican Church in Temora, but across the road is this Catholic Church. They are both fine buildings.

Showers were down at the sports stadium. Great showers. Lyn asked where there was a power point so she could get the blow dryer into action. Yep, there's one by the scoring table!

After showers and coffee (or milkshakes), some of the riders (Diana and Eris) veg out till dinner time.
Hopefully it won't snow tomorrow as we head to Lockhart. Think it's over 130 km tomorrow.
Paul is always pushing to be at the front thats nothing new! i am more impressed that you guys can get him out of bed so early. it takes me hours and some times i have to resort to a forced stand up which is supposed to be for demented old people in emergencies!!! please tell me your tricks!
you guys will be happy to know that while your suffering in the cold it is just as cold and rainy over here in the UK! and they all think its nice weather! Crazy!
Stay strong!!!!!
one way
Haha... thats the paul we know...
Where abouts is that shearing shed... it does look like a very nice shed to photograph....
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