I set off at 7:45 am from Gulargambone for Gil (Gilgandra) just 50 km away. Have a look at the photo above. That's about the size of it. "Tell it like it is!" Didn't wear the sunnies at all. Hung on to the handlebars pretty tight when traffic went past. The wind was a NNE one so that helped me get to Gil in less than 2 hours, averaging over 28 kph. Bit wet... and a bit blowy!

(See Pam, Graham and the damper below.)

All around the state there's flood alerts, road closures and all that stuff. Tomorrow the plan was for me to head back out to Gil and cycle in from there. What will happen tomorrow? Stay tuned. (I certainly don't know.)
The body is a bit damaged (don't ask for details please!) so we'll see how I shape up tomorrow (Saturday).
Hey.... I do like that top photo! Thanks Fay! I mean the first one.
Thanks to Deb and Andrew for allowing us to park on their "lawn" here in Dubbo.
Late message: Reidy just rang from Cowra to see if I'd been blown away today! Close Reidy. Close!
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