Well, you never know what’s gonna happen when you write a post. And you never know what happens when you add a comment either. Well…you usually don’t know.
As it turns out, the pastor at a Beechboro church liked what you folks had to say to my question: *How do couples hang in there?*
Seems they talked a bit about that on Sunday morning…from the pulpit. Good onya folks. So maybe there are a few parishioners over in Western Australia who are going to make a comment to this post. (Just click on where it says COMMENT down the bottom.)
I’m leaving Oz for a 10 month trip starting in Santiago, Chile on Wednesday 1 Feb. I’m taking my wife Fay as well. Our 3 kids are going to join us for the first 6 weeks in South America. Rodney tells me to keep blogging no matter where I am…so, that’s the aim. That way I won’t have to send emails to Peter Anderson, Stub, Fay’s sister Pat, Bruce & Cookie, BFB friends including Rodney.
I’m going to try and do a post weekly. I’m also going to try and ask a SPECIAL QUESTION once a month. I’ve already thought up the next one!
Hey Beechboro people, how was the service on Sunday? (You can put in a fictitious name to your comment if you’re too embarrassed.) Just think…it was Rodney Olsen who got me started on blogging back in August 05. Thanks heaps Rod.
Here I am spending quality time with Fay on Cable Beach, Broome last year.
That's a romantic image. I would love to be on that beach too, but don't worry I wouldn't get in the way of your romance. :)
I hope you blog on the trip too, that would be cool.
Gorgeous photo! It's really breathtaking. I'm excited to hear your thoughts from the road. But don't worry about blogging....just enjoy the trip!
hope it was your wife!
wow, I want to go to the beach now!!
Thanks for stopping by my site, I have still been sick, so I haven't posted anything for a few days, but it was nice going back and seeing your comment!!
Have a great trip Keasty. Hope you can keep us up to date with your adventures? You are leaving on a very significant day too . . . . my birthday.
Hi Graham and Fay, just checking your blog site to see where you were. Very entertaining and I'm so pleased you are all having a great time. Sewing is still going well Fay and we have a toast to you in absentia each week. Bob Lloyds mum passed away last week and that would be one of the few nights that Liz has missed. Kate is due to have her baby in four and a half weeks. She was in a car accident on Friday, the car is a write off, but apart from a lot of bruising she and the baby appear to be well at the moment. I'm sure that will occupy my mind a little until the baby is born. I am now teaching 5 days a week and everything seems to be going well. No news of a transfer, but have been informed that I will stay at West in the meantime. Take care and love to you both. Jo Randell
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