Sure was great to arrive at Koora! An easy day today and a beaut time with the Koora team. 21 kids and staff and parents of 8. Thanks for the barbie folks.

Hey, we even hit the headlines here!!! Thanks Kerrie, Corrie, Jean, Martin and Norma.

Real nice bunch of kids at Koora. Teachers must be proud of them.

Here's the rider with the most awesome roadie (support person.) Thanks Fay. We both taught here in 1983-85. (My daughter corrected me - she was in grade 3, 4 and 5 maybe....)

That room behind me is a special room (ask Kerry.) It happened to be where Bill Harrison (my inspector) conducted the "summary" after my 3rd list inspection. (Was it 3rd list Al?) I remember it well. It was successful and enabled me to apply for and ultimately get the principal's job at Cooma with 300 kids, starting in 1986.

New lid, walkway etc. Well done.
So, 678 km. Goodooga to Koorawatha. The bureau of meteorology advised me not to cycle on Saturday 16 Oct. Good decision. Eight stages were completed. This was my 20th Bike for Bibles ride. I'll give you a total raised for this ride later, but it's over $5,000. Not too late to contribute if you'd like to. Email me on keasty446@gmail.com
One thing I forgot to mention - we didn't take into account 2 important things:
- Borenore Field Days (hence heaps of traffic) and
- Hay fever..... Fay got a good dose of it. Sorry about that Fay.
Labels: Bike for Bibles, Koorawatha
so when did you teach in Koora? Don't think it was 80-82... maybe 83-85?!?!?!
Yeah... you're right! I did teach you maths so I know you're up to scratch! 1983-85. Correct. Go tot eh top of the class Deb!
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