Gee... I think I shoulda bought this one! It had a belt drive... no chain, no grease.... real COOL! Wonder what it cost in Aussie dollars????

Jess and Emma Bear. Thanks for looking after us while in Eugene gals. We really enjoyed our time in your bike-friendly city.

This bike I'm on has been to squillions of countries. Will tell you more about it and its owner later. This was taken in the Bike Friday building.

Here is Kooka. He spied this penny farthing at Jo's place in Corvallis.

Jo's lovely home. It was great to catch up with her once again. We're negotiating with her on a trip to Oz. If she comes, she'll probably bring a bunch of older cyclists out! I mean senior cyclists.
.[Now in Vancouver and about to depart there Sunday morning. Cruising to Alaska on the inside passage.]
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