The nation's capital didn't disappoint! Here is our resident historian finally getting to visit a place where she has been wanting to visit for decades... in fact about half a century! She's made it to Washington DC! (She looks happy!)

This really fascinated me - and I'm happy with the shot. Any ideas? Beautiful.

The U.S. Capitol. (Sorry about the spelling, but that's how they want to spell their capital.)
The Smithsonian Museums - this represents the American Indian one, which we really enjoyed. There are about 12 of them (Smithsonian museums) just in case you're wondering.
The Smithsonian Museums - Air and Space. Spent a heap of time here. Remember what happened on 21 July 1969? A couple of dudes (in white in the picture above) landed... yes, you guessed it.... on the moon!

I think the year was 1932 and it was Emilia Earhart who showed the boys just who was boss of the air. What a lady! What a legend!
Jefferson was one of the impressive, influential presidents that the US has had. Here is the memorial to him, complete with a huge statue of him inside.

Roosevelt was also very impressive and the memorial for him is a suitable, extensive and creative one.

The forgotten war - Korean war - in the fifties. Huge numbers of dead, wounded and captured.
The display was extremely impressive - especially viewed at night. Sad that so many have died in such wars.

The Lincoln memorial. We have read and listened to his speech. Awesome. The memorial is suitably situated on Independance Avenue. The lighting was excellent.
.The other one which was of course most impressive was Martin Luther King's speech. They are in the process of putting up a huge memorial to King. We even stood just where he delivered the speech at the Lincoln Memorial.
I wiI will have to check with Fay and of course Rex (our host and guide) to ensure accuracy of what I've written. This visit took us a day and a night and I fear we are not done yet! There's certainly sites we have yet to explore. Maybe tomorrow.
Washington is great isn't it! We were there last summer. I would recommend you two go to the botanical garden (next to the capitol building), fords theater and maybe the crime and punishment museum.
What a day of history! Bernie would have loved this. You'll have to run a slide night. yep remember the landing on the moon. Leeton HS hired extra TV's so they could fit all the kids in the school hall and the school virtually shut down for hours while they waited for that first step. Love Janice (and Bernie)
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