We found GRAND CENTRAL BAKERY and CAFE in Seattle. And, on a sunny day! Around 16 degrees!

Great food and a lovely eating area. Very old and traditional with new ideas.

Clean and fresh and very delicious. Thanks guys. We'll be back.

Make a note of it, OK?

Also went to the PUBLIC MARKET down near the water here in Seattle. A real tourist spot, but with some very creative shops.

Think they had just about everything.

No, Fay didn't buy a fish! She bought a fridge magnet (at a different shop!) Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the famous fish throwing at this shop, although we did witness it. They sure chuck big fish!
.We leave Seattle on Thursday 19 May and head for Las Vegas via southern Utah.
Make sure you go to minature world dad!!!
So so sad when I get on here and there is no new updates... :(
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