Gra Nomad Wanderings

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Annette (with 2 kids in her chariot) on the left following Deb (with 2 kids in her chariot.) Always special to cycle over the bridge. Thousands of cyclists ride the Spring Cycle each year. Weather conditions were excellent.
 Let's roll the clocks back to 6 am. At this stage, the three little pigs were still sleeping.

 The bikes (and everything else) are ready for the day's event.

 From the top of the stairs, we had to get 2 bikes, 2 chariots and 3 kids down to the platform ready for the train. We made it with several minutes to spare.

 Then it was time for breakfast! Yep, weet-bix on the train.

 Deb towed her chariot with two 20 kg five year olds in it. Congratulations Deb.

 Annette did extremely well seeing she'd only ridden this bike a couple of times. We've just gotta get her into lycra I reckon!

This was my load! They only allowed me to carry 1 kid.

Deb and I wore our Bike for Bibles lycra. At this stage we were nearly home at the end of our ride. Maybe I rode 35 km - under load!

Then later in the arvo, we got into party mode. Good stuff as we celebrated Jeremy's birthday.

Here Jeremy chats with ex Coom-ite Alex Burridge. Great to catch up with folk we don't see too often.


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