Gra Nomad Wanderings

Friday, October 14, 2011


OK. Computer on the left cost about $20. Computer on right  is a  $100 computer.  Expensive one doesn't work.  It is a VDO C3 model. It replaced a cheaper VDO model (also expensive) on the BH road bike.  It didn't work either. So, off to ALDI where we purchased the cheap Bikemate computer. It has more functions and even gives the temperature. Unreal.  

 While I was there I managed to purchase this bike pump. It cost a big $19.95. Strike. I had figured I was going to need to pay $65 for one. Fingers crossed. Works ok so far.

 Here's the trusty BH. A beautiful steed. Hasn't had a great deal of work this year due to unforseen circumstances. Do you like the pink handlebar tape? That's my Amy Gillett handlebars!!!

And to round things up - I bought a combo front and rear light. You guessed it - it cost not very much either. Ten bucks! Haven't mounted this as yet. [Have now.] The lights will go on the TREK 4300. (Mountain bike.) Then I'd better get riding eh?


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