Well, ’twas good to get home after the 10 month trip. Here are a few statistics. If you’re not into stats pull out now. OK? You've seen the photos! No problems!
During our trip we visited a number of countries and stayed with quite a few Servas hosts. Here are the countries visited and the number of Servas hosts we visited:
v Chile 0
v Argentina 1
v Brazil 2
v Peru 1
v Colombia 0
v USA 20
v Canada 2
v England 3
v Wales 1
v Ireland 3
v France 4
v Netherlands 0
v Belgium 0
v Germany 4
v Denmark 1
v Czech Repub 1
v Poland 1
v Austria 2
v Hungary 2
v Croatia 0
v Slovenia 0
v Greece 1
v Italy 2
v China 0
v TOTAL 51
Altogether we stayed 142 days with those 51 hosts. We also stayed with other friends and acquaintances (and a brother). There were 15 of them and we stayed a total of 63 days with them.
So the breakdown of the 309 days goes:
v Servas 142 46%
v Friends 63 21%
v Hotel/motel 50 16%
v YHA 32 10%
v B&B, pension 14 5%
v Pane/bus/ship 6 2%
On the cycling front, the year goes like this
Month Roadbike Mountain Tandem Total
January 350 55 0 405
Februray 0 42 0 42
March 0 0 200 200
April 0 20 233 253
May 0 0 215 215
June 0 3 374 377
July 0 0 705 705 big tandem month
August 0 85 0 85
September 0 12 83 95
October 0 8 152 160
November 0 0 0 0
December 140* 0* 0* 140*
So nearly 2,000 km on the tandem this year and a total of about 2,700 on all bikes. And there’s still a couple of weeks before the year ends. Maybe 3,000 km?
Well, we head down the south coast of NSW tomorrow (Sunday 17 Dec). Cudmirrah is about 50 km south of Nowra. It’ll be good to have a jog (or walk) on the beautiful beaches and have a swim in that lovely surf. I fear it may still be a bit cool. I’ll let you know. Who’d like to be there with us? Leave a comment or ring us on the mobile… 0411 386 814.
If you want a relaxed break – come and join us!
If I don’t blog for a while it’s because I’m spending a fair bit of time in the water.
During our trip we visited a number of countries and stayed with quite a few Servas hosts. Here are the countries visited and the number of Servas hosts we visited:
v Chile 0
v Argentina 1
v Brazil 2
v Peru 1
v Colombia 0
v USA 20
v Canada 2
v England 3
v Wales 1
v Ireland 3
v France 4
v Netherlands 0
v Belgium 0
v Germany 4
v Denmark 1
v Czech Repub 1
v Poland 1
v Austria 2
v Hungary 2
v Croatia 0
v Slovenia 0
v Greece 1
v Italy 2
v China 0
v TOTAL 51
Altogether we stayed 142 days with those 51 hosts. We also stayed with other friends and acquaintances (and a brother). There were 15 of them and we stayed a total of 63 days with them.
So the breakdown of the 309 days goes:
v Servas 142 46%
v Friends 63 21%
v Hotel/motel 50 16%
v YHA 32 10%
v B&B, pension 14 5%
v Pane/bus/ship 6 2%
On the cycling front, the year goes like this
Month Roadbike Mountain Tandem Total
January 350 55 0 405
Februray 0 42 0 42
March 0 0 200 200
April 0 20 233 253
May 0 0 215 215
June 0 3 374 377
July 0 0 705 705 big tandem month
August 0 85 0 85
September 0 12 83 95
October 0 8 152 160
November 0 0 0 0
December 140* 0* 0* 140*
So nearly 2,000 km on the tandem this year and a total of about 2,700 on all bikes. And there’s still a couple of weeks before the year ends. Maybe 3,000 km?
Well, we head down the south coast of NSW tomorrow (Sunday 17 Dec). Cudmirrah is about 50 km south of Nowra. It’ll be good to have a jog (or walk) on the beautiful beaches and have a swim in that lovely surf. I fear it may still be a bit cool. I’ll let you know. Who’d like to be there with us? Leave a comment or ring us on the mobile… 0411 386 814.
If you want a relaxed break – come and join us!
If I don’t blog for a while it’s because I’m spending a fair bit of time in the water.